The Vampire's Mate Read online



  The Story


  Note to Reader


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Other Books

  About the Author

  My Town (Book 2)

  The Vampire’s Mate

  Annette Morris

  My Town Book 2

  The Vampire’s Mate

  The Story

  Psychic abilities must run in the family. First there was Caitlyn who, by touching an item of a dead person, could see images of them and how they were killed. Now, we’ve got Alex, Caitlyn’s sister. By touching the ash of a dead vampire, Alex can see and talk to the vampire’s spirit.

  After finding a murder scene with ash, Alex learns of a vampire’s murder. Coming onto the scene is Serentis. He is the head vampire and is eager to find out who is killing those he rules over. While there, Serentis discovers his life mate. The person he’s been trying to locate, all of his life. That person is Alex. From that moment on, Serentis declares that he will protect Alex with all of the power at his disposal.

  Unfortunately, that doesn’t keep Alex safe. She gets kidnapped by vampires under the leadership of Serentis. He is disgusted and ashamed over what has happened only to have Alex kidnapped a second time.

  This time, it is a lot more serious. Her kidnappers are not people Serentis has control over. Her kidnappers are foreign to the area and, they have delivered an ultimatum.

  Serentis now has a tough decision to make. He will get Alex back if he is willing to become the Keeper of the Flames and Veils. Alternatively, if he refuses this offer, he will never see his life mate again.

  Is Serentis willing to take on the responsibilities in being Keeper of the Flames and Veils or, is he willing to lose Alex forever?

  Copyright © 2018 Annette Morris

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author. The only exception to this rule is for reviewers who may quote short excerpts in a book review.

  This book, in its entirety, is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events and other incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and are intended for entertainment only and used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, either living or dead, events and/or locations is entirely coincidental and unintended.

  Dear Reader

  This is the second book in the My Town series. The first book, ‘The Psychic, The Cop & The Killer’, involved Caitlyn who can touch objects and see crimes. This second book is about Alex, who is Caitlyn’s sister.

  Alex can touch the ash of a dead vampire then see and talk to their spirit form.

  There will be more books to come in this series.

  I hope you enjoy this read.


  A number of the graphics used in this novel have been taken from a free graphic source on the Internet and used through CC0 Creative Commons (being free for commercial use with no attribution required). This organisation is Pixabay and can be found at

  I would like to thank Pixabay and offer my appreciation for the service they provide.

  "What the hell is that?"

  Tom slammed on the brakes at the entrance to the alleyway. We both stared through the windscreen at something lying on the ground.

  I leaned forward further, but couldn’t see what was there. The windscreen was too dirty. It was a wonder Tom could see enough to even drive. "Fucked if I know. When was the last time you cleaned this car, Tom?"

  He laughed. "Not going there." He pushed the button for the water to squirt out and then the wipers.

  As they did their job and tried to clean the windscreen, I peered through the haze. "Is that ash?"

  Tom frowned. "Didn't we find ash in an alley two nights ago?"

  I paled and grasped the 'oh, shit' handle tighter. "Yeah, we did." My mind fractured. Not again! Last time there was ash, I'd seen a ghost. That was how I learned my supernatural abilities were developing. Well, that was according to my older sister, Caitlyn. She could touch an object someone owned and have visions of their life. She now worked with a local detective in solving murders. Now it looked like it was my turn to get those abilities.

  "Have we heard yet what it was?" Tom was referring to the forensics lab we sent the ash to.

  "No, we haven't," I told him grimacing. "But you know what they're like. We'll be lucky if we get a reply before next year."

  He sighed. "Yeah, I guess. We better look around."

  "Yeah, okay."

  Tom drove the car forward. The headlights were penetrating the gloom of the dark alley. The spotlights aided in turning the darkness into light. "Wait, is that a body over there?"

  I jumped. "Where?"

  Tom pointed.

  I looked to where his finger indicated. I could see something on the ground, but from here, couldn't answer his question in the affirmative. "Stay here," I told him. If it was a dead body, we didn't want to disturb any evidence. It was better to approach on foot.

  Tom murmured no disagreement. It was a procedure that if security guards discovered a body, one must remain in the vehicle to call for help, if needed.

  I stepped out and closed the car door. I moved towards the bundle on the ground. It could be scrunched up rags, or it could be a dead body. I wouldn't know for certain until I was closer. With one hand on my gun, my other on the torch, I walked closer. I didn't need the torch, the headlights did a good job of brightening the alley. But the torch was also a useful weapon, with its long stock. I wasn't above using anything for defence.

  As I stepped closer, the lights from the car reflected everything I needed to see. Yep, it was a body. I straightened and shone the torch around, trying to see if anyone was lurking. Not finding anybody, I turned to Tom and done the hand signal for him to ring it in. I turned back around, knowing he would be on the phone to the police.

  I crept closer to the body. It was a woman. Long blonde hair. Still dressed, and her clothes hadn't been moved. Considering the angle of her head, someone had snapped her neck.

  I glanced up. No tall buildings here. That eliminated a suicide jump or a killing push from a great height. This was a quiet part of town. An alley in between two workshops. I knew the area well. One shop was a car repair place. The other was a boat repairer. I'd been to both many times over the years. The car repair shop had even allowed me to hoist up my car, so I could fix a muffler I'd damaged. Long-time residents owned both shops. Both of a mature age, and married. I also knew the staff who worked here. They were all good people. And while that didn't prevent them from being suspects, I doubted any of them was the killer.

  Tom walked up. "Recognise her?" he asked.

  I shook my head. "Nope, you?"

  He leaned over and peered at her face. "Nope, never seen her before." He stood back up and looked around. "No-one else here?"

  I shook my head. "Not that I can find." The alley felt cold and vacant as if whoever was here was long gone.

  The noise of the sirens got closer. "Who's on tonight?" Tom asked.

  "Not sure. It might be John."

  "Oh, great!"


  "I'm sorry, Alex. I know Caitlyn is your sister. But, come on. You don't believe she can see ghos

  I sighed. "Yeah, I do, Tom."


  "I've been meaning to talk to you for a while now."

  "What? What are you talking about?"

  "I can too, Tom."

  "You can too, what?"

  "I can see ghosts. It's only recent. But…"

  Tom burst out laughing, doubling over, holding his stomach.

  I stood, chewing my inner cheek and cursing myself for revealing that information. I should've kept it to myself. I should've known Tom wouldn't believe me. He has never believed in the supernatural. I remember even in State School, where we first met, he'd always been down to earth. I was an idiot. I had probably wrecked a damn good friendship. I should've kept it to myself.

  He finished laughing about the same time as the sirens stopped. "Oh, Alex. I needed that. You are so good."


  "Hey!" John called out.

  I turned to see him walking up to us. Caitlyn right alongside him. A big smile appeared on her face. "So, another one?"

  I grimaced at her words. "Yeah, ash is over there. Body is here."

  "Ash and a body? Wow! A two for…"

  I turned away and walked over to the ash. I was in no mood for more teasing tonight. It stressed me out enough with everything that was going on with me. I hoped Caitlyn said nothing in front of Tom. There was no way I could take much more tonight.

  John and Caitlyn walked over to the body.

  I watched as Caitlyn bent down, took a breath, then placed her hand on a bracelet on the dead woman's wrist.

  Silence fell in the alley as we all waited to see what she would say.

  Tom looked away with a smirk on his face. He didn't believe in what she was doing.

  John stayed with Caitlyn. One hand almost touching her back to steady her.

  After some minutes, Caitlyn let out a scream and back pedaled.

  John grasped her and held her tight in his arms. He bent down and whispered soothing words in her ear while he continued to hold her.

  She lifted her head and whispered something to him.

  John stiffened and glanced around the alley.

  His movements had my muscles tensioning.

  I too, scanned the alley. Not sure what I was looking for, but if it spooked John, then it meant something.

  Movement at the end of the alley caught my eye. Whoever was there, was standing behind the lights of the car and I couldn't see him. I called out to John that someone was there. He released Caitlyn so he could check it out. While John was away, Caitlyn ambled over.

  "Are you okay?" I asked her.

  She nodded, then stopped. "I'm not sure," she whispered.

  "Do you want to sit down?"

  "No. No, I'm fine. It was a shock. That's all."

  "A shock? Why? Did you know her?"

  Caitlyn jumped and looked at me. Then glanced around. Tom had walked deeper into the alley and was peering into rubbish bins. Caitlyn looked back at me. "I didn't know they existed. You know."

  I leaned closer to hear her better. "Didn't know what existed?"

  "Vampires," she whispered.

  I jumped back startled. "What?"

  "Shh," Caitlyn whispered, waving her arms to get me to lower my voice.

  I leaned in closer. "Are you saying a vampire killed her?"

  Caitlyn nodded.

  I stared at her. "You're kidding?"

  Caitlyn shook her head.

  My thoughts were in turmoil. Either Caitlyn was pulling my leg or… nope. Vampires didn't exist. They were just a myth. And, if they did exist, they wouldn't be in our little town. Caitlyn was speaking again, but her words didn't register.

  "Alex? Did you check?" Caitlyn repeated.

  I shook my head. "What?"

  She let out a deep breath as she looked down. "Did you check the ash?"

  I glanced down at my feet. A pile of ash lay there. I jumped back as if I was burnt. "You mean this ash could be a… a…"

  "Yep," Caitlyn replied. "It could be a vampire."

  "Oh, wow!" was my educated reply. It stunned me. Vampires existed?

  "Check the ash, Alex."


  "Check the ash," Caitlyn repeated.

  I leaned down, but hesitated in touching the substance. I looked back up to Caitlyn. “Does that mean the ash I saw the other night was from a vampire?”

  Caitlyn just looked at me. “I don’t know, Alex. It might have been. I’ve only now found out vampires are real.”

  “Great,” I muttered as I moved my vision back to the ash. Then, another thought hit me and, I jerked my head up again. “Does that mean I can’t see ghosts?” Caitlyn had a bewildered look on her face. “I mean human ghosts.”

  “I really don’t know, Alex. You might be right. Maybe you can’t see human ghosts. I don’t know how that aspect of our ability works.”

  I’m still looking at Caitlyn. “I don’t understand any of this.”

  "This is not the time for a philosophical debate, Alex," she replied. "Check the ash."


  I sighed and knelt down. My hand trembled, but I forced it to obey me. My fingers dug into the ash. I thought I heard a cry of pain, but figured I must be mistaken. I jerked back as images invaded my mind. Images of a short, red-haired man. He was being attacked by another man who was holding a knife. The man with the knife plunged it deep into the short, red-haired man's heart. He screamed in pain. And then he collapsed into ash.

  I looked up, and saw the dead man standing there, watching me. I jumped, then calmed, when I realised he was dead. He couldn't hurt me. "Who are you?" I asked him.

  He sighed. "My name is Trevor."

  "Trevor, who killed you? Who was the man with the knife?"

  He moaned. "William."

  "William? William was the guy who stabbed you?"


  "Do you know where I can find this William?"


  Okay, I had to think about my questions more if I wanted practical answers. "Where can I find this William?"

  "William lives with Serentis."

  "Serentis," I blurted out. "Is that a name?"


  There was a noise like a train speeding, and then two hands grabbed me and pulled me upright.

  "Who are you talking to? What did he say?"

  Stunned, I could only stand and stare at the man before me. I did not understand who he was or where he had come from. One minute he wasn't here and the next he was. His hands had grabbed my hands and his were icy cold. That should've been my first clue. But the second clue I got when he hissed at John and his fangs showed.

  I screamed and tried to free my hands. It was impossible. He had too tight of a grip on me.

  Then I heard John yelling. "Let her go!"

  I turned my head to see John beside me. John had his gun out and was pointing it at this guy. Tom was running up to us, from the alley. I turned my head back to stare in disbelief at the guy, or whatever he was, in front of me. No, He wasn't a guy. This was a vampire. The walls of the alley spun and wouldn't stop. I stared in disbelief and horror into the bluest eyes I had ever witnessed. The eyes of a vampire.

  Then everything went black.


  I heard yelling. Loud yelling. It sounded like Caitlyn. Still dazed, I lay there with my head resting on a soft cushion. I could still hear her yelling. I moaned. Why wouldn't she shut up?

  "Alex!" Caitlyn called. "Alex, open your damn eyes."

  I frowned. That was strange. Caitlyn never talked to me like that.

  Then I heard John's voice trying to calm Caitlyn down. "He won't hurt her. I promise you, Caitlyn. He won't hurt her."

  "He won't hurt her? What is she doing on his lap, damn it? Why won't he release her?" Caitlyn voice was echoing in my head.

  My mind tried to focus. I was on someone's lap? Whose lap? I moved a
nd a cold hand touched my cheek. I froze as thoughts came back. Vampire! There had been a vampire in front of me! My eyes sprung open. I tried to move, but an enormous force was keeping me still. I looked into those blue eyes I'd seen before.

  "Hello, have no fear. I will not hurt you. I wish to know what he said," the vampire said in my ear.

  I gulped and gazed into his eyes." Are you a vampire? Really?"

  He nodded. "Yes, I am. Please, it is important. What did he say?"

  "Who? The dead man?"

  He nodded. "Yes, the dead man. What did he say?"

  I gathered my thoughts and tried to remember what he'd told me. "He said… he said his name was Trevor."

  The vampire sucked in his breath. Then spoke in some other language. He stopped and looked down at me, again. "I'm sorry. Did he say who had done it."

  I nodded. "He said…"

  "No," John yelled. "You can't know that. There has to be an investigation. You can't go off half…"

  "This was one of mine!" The vampire yelled back. "Mine!"

  I shivered at his tone. Could I be going into shock?

  "I deserve to get the revenge."

  John sighed. "Fine, just tell him, Alex."

  I looked over to see Caitlyn locked into a tight hold in John's arms. She must've been trying to get to me, but John was holding her back.

  "Please," the vampire begged. "Please tell me who he said killed him."

  I looked back at the vampire. "William," I whispered. "He said William killed him. William had a knife, and he lives with Serentis."

  I didn't know why I told him all of that, except for some reason, I trusted him. How was that? I trusted a vampire. A vampire I had only just met. Tonight was turning out to be too weird.

  "Thank you," he whispered back. He lowered his head until his lips touched mine. His tongue swept into my mouth for an instant and then was gone. Quick as a flash, he lowered me to the concrete and again there was that train speeding noise and, he wasn’t there. Just like that. He'd vanished.

  Caitlyn came running over. Her hands ran all over me. "Are you okay? I can't believe John wouldn't let me come to you."